
AquaRev™ Whole Home System



With AquaRev™ Technology

The technology in the AquaRev™ Whole Home Water Purification and Softening System creates an incredible difference in the quality of the water you and your family use for drinking, cooking, bathing, and showering, every single day. Countless homeowners are raving about how this affordable and effective system has completely changed their lives for the better.



The AquaRev™ Whole Home Water Purification and Softening System is a point of entry system that harnesses patented HDC technology to optimize filtration effectiveness while restructuring the water molecules for enhanced bio-availability and serves as an excellent line of protection from a broad spectrum of contaminants, including heavy metals, VOC’s, PFAS, sulfur, and chlorine. This is the ultimate salt-free chemical-free water softening system protecting your plumbing, appliances and every tap in your home. Requires zero electricity, minimal maintenance, and comes with cost-effective universal filter options.

9 reviews for AquaRev™ Whole Home System

  1. Neil Narbonne

    Since we moved into our new house with an inherited hydrodynamic cavitation system, we thought we better do some research on it and ask the company the merits of the system & what were the service intervals for changing out the consumable filters that accompany the system. I gave a call to the number listed on my system and got a call back instantly from Keith. Keith is quite the expert and very passionate about these water systems as he should be. He gave me the information. We had some issues with the AO filters which are not really rated to be outdoors (plastics withstanding the elements) a few months later and I notified him. Keith offered to come and check it out even on a 3 day-holiday weekend as he was concerned that we wouldn’t have water that week. His level of expertise and dedication is amazing & commendable! I later found out that he was caring for/dealing with a sick/injured person at home during this time. He proceeded to upgrade our filter system as AquaRev™ no longer uses the smaller A/O filters to the more robust GE system. Although we still filter the water out of our sink tap due to habit, the times we drank directly from that faucet were totally fine. We are happy to report a reduction of bacteria/pathogens in this great tasting water. There is no more heavy metal taste as you get with many taps in Honolulu. The water feels softer kind of like the water I have had in Japan. I feel like it’s contributed to smoother skin & softer hair. I can truthly say that AquaRev™ stands by their decade warranty as is clearly true with the level of service he’s provided us (and we inherited new system, albeit it was fairly new), I read somewhere that they have NSF-372 certification for this system which is comforting. Keith mentioned that they have been outfitting large hotel/property corporations with his systems. I can’t remember which large chain it was, but it would be good if most if not all hotels were so informed about their water systems for their guests’ safety & peace of mind. Such a small investment for a big reward. Mahalo!

  2. Jelena D.


    We like the water system very much. Taking a shower is a joy, no more slippery feeling but when I dry off and my skin feels clean and smooth. Also, I notice there are less water spots on our dishes and in the sink, and my windshield glass looks a lot cleaner. Our grass and plants look greener and healthier, like you said, which makes us very happy. I happily recommend this system to anyone looking to improve their wellbeing.

    Thanks, Keith for answering my questions so quickly.

  3. Dr. Thomas W. Mercante

    “I am totally impressed with the results of both system I purchased from you. My over the counter and refrigerator filters were not filtering as well as I’d like and they were very expensive. After installing your product, ALL the water in my home is pure and safe now. My shower experience is so much better as well. The shower water is soft and does not dry out my skin and my hair feels great!

    The unit on my pool is also quite amazing. My kids and I swim in a chemical free water, plus the water is so clean that a shower is not necessary after swimming. The technology is truly amazing.

    My chiropractic office has your brochures, and I will continue to refer people to your amazing system. Thank you for making my life a cleaner and safer place to live in.

  4. Bill Saugus Mass

    We like the water system very much. Taking a shower is a joy, no more slippery feeling but when I dry off and my skin feels clean and smooth. Also, I notice there are less water spots on our dishes and in the sink, and my windshield glass looks a lot cleaner. Our grass and plants look greener and healthier, like you said, which makes us very happy. I happily recommend this system to anyone looking to improve their wellbeing.

    Thanks, Keith for answering my questions so quickly.

  5. Sharon

    We are loving the water! We hardly have any toilet bowl rings anymore and spend less time watering the lawn. Plus, our water taste great from the tap. There are many improvements felt in our skin, hair and so on. Thank you.

  6. Ronald

    The water is really great because we no longer need to wipe down the water from the glass and walls. Also, there is no more chemical smell. Just great!!

  7. Rodney Hurtig

    Back on November 8th I had this installed at my home and absolutely love how it works. The owner of AquaRev™ Products, Keith Morrill and I have known each other for 10 plus years and he has been encouraging me to get one of these for the past few years. After learning about the long term affects of just the rust and lead present in most potable water along with all of the other wonderful contaminants I became concerned for my wife and other family members as I’m becoming much more health conscious at this stage in my life. We have been filtering our drinking water for years now with ZeroWater. I definitely find the AquaRev™ Structured Water taste crisper. Part of my concern came after learning how much water per day our largest organ, our skin absorbs and it was at that point the light bulb went off that absorbing these heavy metals through my skin can’t be good. After the first shower my hair and skin felt much softer. Living in NORCAL, I find the water to be hard and my skin gets very dry especially during the winter time and always needing to put on lotion. Which has gotten much better over the past few weeks. The smell of Chlorine while taking a hot shower is gone and after learning about the long term effects was from breathing this daily was very excited about this. Whether I’m drinking the water during a shower, from kitchen sink or my bathroom sink it tastes great! Planning to have one installed at my family’s home in Hawaii shortly. My Mom has been very concerned ever since the December 3rd announcement of the Board of Water Supply Shut Down Article came out regarding the fuel contamination. Definitely would consider this a great gift for promoting long term health with your family, friends and love ones.

  8. John Curiciuo

    My wife said to me the other day, honey do we still have the system for the water in the house to I replied yes why she replied my skin has become rough and no longer soft. So I wanna head and change the cartridge filters inside the system and 2 days later my wife syud my skin is softe and smooth again what changed and I told her I simply changed the filters.

    When the filters become saturated the quagulated metal will re-enter the water in the home.

  9. Carole

    “I’ve lived in Arizona for 25 years and the water here is not good: it dries your skin, hair, it has chemicals in it that is bad for your pipes, clothes, leaves water spots on dishes, glasses and on your faucets. For years I purchased water softeners from hardware stores. I thought they were good for my skin, hair, clothes, etc. but now I know they’re not. I had to add salt on a regular basis and the salt is not good for anything, especially drinking it!

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